Follow Me on Pinterest

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Yesterday I spent a couple of hours on the computer, trying to install an app to my blog that would show the latest things I've pinned to my Pinterest account.
I don't speak enough "computer" to make it happen.  Always, it seems to be written in plain English, but I can't make sense of the actual words.  I'm not really interested in learning to speak "computer" other than to make my life easier.

It's much like my car.  I drive the car without understanding HOW it works, or how to fix things that go wrong.  I could learn, but why?  It's not something I'd really put to use.

Same as speaking the language of Computers.  Technology is evolving and going forward at such a fast pace, I'm afraid that by the time I learned how to speak, the language would be obsolete!

So, rather than entertain you with titillating glimpses of what I'm pinning, I'm giving you the link to look at the whole thing!

Today, I'm up to 126 boards and just under 16,000 pins.  Can't help myself!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Figuring it Out

At first, I didn't know how to see more of the kind of pins I like.  By trial and error, I clicked on one of my pins, it took me to the larger picture and told me who had pinned it.

I clicked on their name and voilĂ  I had access to all these pins and boards.  Then, I found I could do the same thing from a pin I found on these new boards, and another name would appear at the top and I had access to more pins and boards.

Eventually I found I could select "Follow this Board" and the new pins from this board would appear on my pin page.

Within a few days, the kind of pins I wanted to see began to appear with regularity.  Also, I noticed the names of women appearing with regularity.  My followers and the people I followed were becoming a really interesting mix.

Of course, now I want to spend more and more time pinning!  It's a dilemma.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Introduction to Pinterest

My addiction began over the Thanksgiving Holiday, 2011. My cousin, Kelli, who is always on the forefront of new ideas, had posted on Facebook that she was trying out Pinterest and did anyone want an invitation.

I was on a 4 day vacation from work, so I thought "Why not. Let's see what this is."

Being somewhat obsessive, I actually READ some directions! I spent some time looking at what you can do, what others have done, and some guidelines for how to proceed.

Then I created an account and signed on.

Within moments, I was hooked. Such lovely images to pin. Repin. I do very little actual pinning, as you have to have your own photos on the internet, and I haven't done that yet. So, my pins are mostly the pins of others.

I created a couple of boards, as the photos soon needed organization.

In the beginning, I probably didn't look in every day.
That was Then. This is Now.
Currently I have 15,000 pins, 120 boards, and my imagination has only begun to see the fun I'm going to have.

So, YES, it's officially an ADDICTION. But I'm happily hooked!