Yesterday I spent a couple of hours on the computer, trying to install an app to my blog that would show the latest things I've pinned to my Pinterest account.
I don't speak enough "computer" to make it happen. Always, it seems to be written in plain English, but I can't make sense of the actual words. I'm not really interested in learning to speak "computer" other than to make my life easier.
It's much like my car. I drive the car without understanding HOW it works, or how to fix things that go wrong. I could learn, but why? It's not something I'd really put to use.
Same as speaking the language of Computers. Technology is evolving and going forward at such a fast pace, I'm afraid that by the time I learned how to speak, the language would be obsolete!
So, rather than entertain you with titillating glimpses of what I'm pinning, I'm giving you the link to look at the whole thing!
Today, I'm up to 126 boards and just under 16,000 pins. Can't help myself!
I don't speak enough "computer" to make it happen. Always, it seems to be written in plain English, but I can't make sense of the actual words. I'm not really interested in learning to speak "computer" other than to make my life easier.
It's much like my car. I drive the car without understanding HOW it works, or how to fix things that go wrong. I could learn, but why? It's not something I'd really put to use.
Same as speaking the language of Computers. Technology is evolving and going forward at such a fast pace, I'm afraid that by the time I learned how to speak, the language would be obsolete!
So, rather than entertain you with titillating glimpses of what I'm pinning, I'm giving you the link to look at the whole thing!
Today, I'm up to 126 boards and just under 16,000 pins. Can't help myself!
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