At first, I didn't know how to see more of the kind of pins I like. By trial and error, I clicked on one of my pins, it took me to the larger picture and told me who had pinned it.
I clicked on their name and voilà I had access to all these pins and boards. Then, I found I could do the same thing from a pin I found on these new boards, and another name would appear at the top and I had access to more pins and boards.
Eventually I found I could select "Follow this Board" and the new pins from this board would appear on my pin page.
Within a few days, the kind of pins I wanted to see began to appear with regularity. Also, I noticed the names of women appearing with regularity. My followers and the people I followed were becoming a really interesting mix.
Of course, now I want to spend more and more time pinning! It's a dilemma.
I clicked on their name and voilà I had access to all these pins and boards. Then, I found I could do the same thing from a pin I found on these new boards, and another name would appear at the top and I had access to more pins and boards.
Eventually I found I could select "Follow this Board" and the new pins from this board would appear on my pin page.
Within a few days, the kind of pins I wanted to see began to appear with regularity. Also, I noticed the names of women appearing with regularity. My followers and the people I followed were becoming a really interesting mix.
Of course, now I want to spend more and more time pinning! It's a dilemma.
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