I'm Back! It's been a little while since I've been able to access my blog! We moved the end of April, and when I set the computer up in the new apartment, it wouldn't start up. Yes, it was old. And, YES, I have had problems with it for a few years, but I didn't think it would just up and die on me. (sniff...sniff)
With all the moving expenses, I couldn't afford a new computer. I looked at some old ones, but in the end I got an ipad. I thought I could use it as a computer and it cost less than a new computer, so I bought it.
While the ipad is fun, it is NOT like a computer and I soon realized I still needed a computer. For starters, I couldn't PIN! All the various apps that claim to let you enjoy Pinterest are totally inadequate. I found I could do a little pinning, but it was such a hassle that I didn't bother.
At first, I missed it. I was addicted and it was not an easy transition from pinning daily (multiple times) to seldom or never pinning. But after a few weeks, I forgot about it. Out of sight~Out of mind was real for me!
But I'm back. I finally bought the same old model of computer that died on me. It will get me by until I can afford a new computer.
Now I'm back pinning and blogging and generally finding life fascinating.
Currently I have 22,694 pins, 180 boards, and 648 followers.
With all the moving expenses, I couldn't afford a new computer. I looked at some old ones, but in the end I got an ipad. I thought I could use it as a computer and it cost less than a new computer, so I bought it.
While the ipad is fun, it is NOT like a computer and I soon realized I still needed a computer. For starters, I couldn't PIN! All the various apps that claim to let you enjoy Pinterest are totally inadequate. I found I could do a little pinning, but it was such a hassle that I didn't bother.
At first, I missed it. I was addicted and it was not an easy transition from pinning daily (multiple times) to seldom or never pinning. But after a few weeks, I forgot about it. Out of sight~Out of mind was real for me!
But I'm back. I finally bought the same old model of computer that died on me. It will get me by until I can afford a new computer.
Now I'm back pinning and blogging and generally finding life fascinating.
Currently I have 22,694 pins, 180 boards, and 648 followers.
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